Tuesday 18 December 2012

IBM verified MSS Service

MCIS from Miracle Software Systems (MSS) helps retail and manufacturing customers integrate point of sale data to financial, sales, and distribution applications securely with guaranteed, real time delivery. In turn providing faster insight to the supplier channel to efficiently integrate the buy and sell cross channels.MiracleSoft Cross Channel Integration Solution (MCIS) with IBM Sterling B2B Integrator and IBM Sterling File Gateway V1.0 is the solution name,and the solution has been verified by IBM.The solution web page:http://www.miraclesoft.com

Wednesday 12 December 2012

IBM Web Analytics

Why IBM for Web Analytics?
             Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. It is often done without the permission or knowledge of the user It is available through two delivery models on-premise and software as a service (SaaS)web analytics from IBM provides the insight marketers need into how individuals are interacting with a brand’s digital presence.

Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring web traffic but can be used as a tool for business and market research, and to assess and improve the effectiveness of a web site.
  • The on-premise solution is designed to deploy within a local environment and directly integrate with other in-house applications such as an enterprise data warehouse, business intelligence, predictive analytic models and other similar products.
  • The SaaS offering is a flexible solution that integrates a range of analytical capabilities with digital customer profiles and the ability to leverage digital marketing execution capabilities with just a few clicks.

           “Some of the product customers are Rackspace,Boden,Hawesko,Rodale Kiddicare,wehkamp.nl,A resort and casino,An on-line grocer,A digital travel assistance leader,Citrix Systems and Orvis".

Featured products :
  • IBM Digital Analytics
  • IBM Digital Analytics Impression Attribution
  • IBM Digital Analytics Life-cycle
  • Unica Net-insight

How To Convert Normal Customer into Permanennt Custome

            Hai Everybody Today I place My View on How To Convert A normal visitior  into Permenent Customer.By Making this we can Our Organization  ROI(Return On Investment ) The Following are the Steps to Convert a normal Customer To Permannent Customer
First have A look On the Convert Visitiors

 How To Convert Visitors?

        After putting an effort in to bring visitors to your website, you might want your visitors to "convert". This means that you want them to take desired actions such as placing an order, signing up for your newsletter, visit to a particular webpage or just sending in an inquiry. This process is usually known as conversion but is also called optimization or improvement rate.

      Previous experiences with website design and knowledge of your target market can help you understand how to increase your conversion rates but this alone does not substitute for a scientific approach. Let's take a closer look at how online marketers need to understand the common conversion rate improvement parameters and at the roadmap for successful and result oriented websites.

   Offsite Elements

      You need to be aware of various factors that can affect the conversion rates when visitors land on your website. Some factors can even come into play way before your visitor arrives. Items such as the way you position your brand, showing how you understand your marketplace, showing how you understand your customers, your sites unique selling proposition and the mediums you use to bring traffic to your website are critical factors in determining the conversion rate.
      Onsite Elements
      MDM Software Report
      Gartner Analyst Report on for Mobile Device Management.
      Ads by Google
      Once a visitor arrives on your website tdue to marketing efforts, the salesmanship of your website will play a main role in converting them into a customer. All potential customers that come to your website can be categorized into the following groups:
      Group A: People who came to your site to buy specifically what you are selling
      Group B: People researching or exploring products who might come back later.
      Group C: People who might buy if they get convinced that what you have is what they need.
      Your website should be designed and structured to cater to all three of these groups in order to achieve maximum conversion. Most websites are created to target Group A only. This leaves a huge number of potential customers, which could have been converted into actual customers leaving to look at other sites.
      While structuring your website for conversion you might want to consider the following methodologies:
      Discover objectives
      What do you want your website to achieve for you? Do you want to sell online and hence want your website to sell more or do you want it to signup subscribers for your e-mail newsletter. Whatever the objective of your site is, it should be clear and translated in the design and structure of the website respectively.
      Draw the perfect website structure
      A tested approach for the perfect website structure is as follows:
      a. Brainstorm

      Always be thinking about content ideas. What should go into the website and what should not. Analyze your competitors; make comparative analysis of all competitive websites.
      b. Sitemap

      Arrange the finalized content outline into a logical sitemap where content of similar nature should be grouped together. For example, if you are selling gadgets online, all certain types of a gadget should come under this category.

Website communication

      The content you place on your website affects the visitor's behavior significantly. Equally important are the product images. Make sure you provide good quality images and also multiple viewing options to give your customer the experience closest to buying from a store front.

      Website conversion stragties are relative to your type ans style of site. Keep in mind that what works for one website might not work for another. The best strategy is to keep testing what works for your website and what does not and make changes accordingly. Also, working to improve your overall conversion rates will boost revenue without spending extra money on your marketing.

Monday 10 December 2012

IBM's EMM Solutions Drive Real Marketing Value

The following are the solutions provided by IBM EMM to several organizations.
  • Increased online conversions (Bath & Body Works)
  • Improved customer engagement (NROUA)
  • Targeted ads increased revenue (PETCO)
  • Increased volume through automation (NationWide)
  • Reduced cycle time/boost efficiency (ING)
  • Improved marketing quality (CVS)

Thursday 6 December 2012

Five Keys to Successful Enterprise Marketing Management

Enterprise marketing management (EMM) has a vital role in multichannel marketing today. It is the engine behind effective marketing and offers the potential of true customer-focused, knowledge-based marketing and operations

EMM can mean many things to many marketers, but it typically consists of strategic and marketing planning, financial management, marketing resource management, data integration, information storage, campaign management, customer analytics, Web analytics, personalization, interaction management, channel management, and marketing performance.
When executed properly, EMM pulls the entire marketing chain together into an integrated process that provides an unparalleled customer view across channels.

For EMM to boost marketing performance, however, five factors are critical:
  1. Integration of data at every touchpoint. Information is critical in the marketing decision process and as such it must flow freely at every point in the process.
  2. Collaboration—not just within the internal marketing value chain but also with the external value chains of suppliers and vendors.
  3. Availability of data, resources, materials, and documents. It is important that marketing resources are available to all when needed to complete their job.
  4. Proactive tracking and management of marketing strategies, tactics, campaigns, and initiatives. You need to know where everything is; what is on time and what is late; who has too much work and who doesn’t have enough; what has worked and what hasn’t.
  5. Key marketing performance indicators defined within a balanced framework available to all. This entails a disciplined approach to defining objectives and facilities to allow team members to understand cause and effect. It also entails providing managers with information on performance through either lead or lag measures.
These key elements combine to deliver true business benefits: building strong brands to sustain the customer experience; understanding and predicting customer belief and behavior while optimizing communications to them; and managing consistent communications across all channels.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Tealeaf Customers

Tealeaf’s Customer Experience Management solutions are used by 30% of the Fortune 100 to increase conversion rates, reduce IT and service costs, and improve customer service. Across many industries — from financial services, insurance, and travel to retail, communications services, and technology — companies worldwide rely on Tealeaf for unprecedented visibility into the online customer experience.
For more than a decade, Tealeaf has worked with hundreds of organizations — across many industries — to help them take a more systematic, quantifiable approach to improving online customer experience. Learn how our customers are using Tealeaf Customer Experience Management solutions to analyze online customer behavior, optimize their web sites, and improve customer service.

IBM Marketing Center

IBM has introduced the IBM Marketing Center, a multipurpose cloud-based suite that integrates campaign management, email targeting, and personalized offerings with marketing analytics. The Marketing Center is designed to eliminate the need for organizations to integrate various types of marketing software. Marketing Center provides A/B testing,website testing,website personalization, email marketing, and more
Cloud-based, all-in-one solution combining customer analytics with real-time marketing”.

An IBM Smarter Commerce offering, the Marketing Center is designed to eliminate the need for organizations to integrate various types of marketing software.
The Marketing Center combines capabilities from several of its acquisitions: Core-metrics (a company acquired by IBM in 2010 that provides a commerce-focused Web analytics service), Unica (an online marketing software provider also acquired in 2010), as well as the recent DemandTec and Tea-leaf acquisitions. DemandTec provides pricing and promotion capabilities, while Tea-leaf contributes Web and mobile navigation-analysis features to the new offering.
  • Combines web/digital/mobile analytics data with real-time marketing execution. Features include A/B testing, email marketing, site personalization, and more, all in one intuitive real-time marketing application.
  • Draws on all the digital analytics data that visitors provide. Uses data derived from visitors’ on-line experiences while enabling clients to import additional off-line data as needed. 
  • Incorporates the analytical insight directly into easy-to-use targeting features. Allows for a personalized approach for marketing communications tailored to individuals.

  • Can provide excellent marketing and analytics capabilities now and in the future. Customers who start with this module on a standalone basis can later expand their solution.

Redefining the value chain in the age of the connected consumer

                                  Hai Every body today i would like to post on my view over the Customer value Cahin in the Business.For a consumer products company to transform their value chain, it must have the capability to apply insights from a 360-degree customer view and comprehensively track and monitor demand information. It must also provide a single face to the customer that masks an organization’s internal operations, which can result in a positive customer experience. And, it must move beyond transactional supply chain enterprise systems and operational rules of thumb to more-advanced optimization and supply chain technologies. With seamless and secure integration of key business processes along with insightful business analytics, consumer product companies can better manage their supplier interactions, improve inventory and logistics management and enhance the fulfillment of customer and consumer experiences.
Putting Smarter Commerce in Action

                   To succeed in today’s marketplace, consumer product companies must focus on flawless execution when connecting with the new consumer, managing supply chain efficiencies and collaborating with channel partners. Essentially, they must change the way their products are sourced, manufactured, distributed and sold. IBM’s Smarter Commerce solutions provide a new approach that transforms how quickly consumer product companies can better manage the consumer and customer experience along with creating a more adaptive supply chain. Placing the customer at the center of decisions and actions helps drive new levels of company differentiation, leading to greater consumer loyalty, revenue and margin growth, and agility. Discover how IBM Smarter Commerce solutions are positively impacting consumer product organizations and how we can work with you to apply these industry-leading practices to your business.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

IBM Marketing Resource Management

Why IBM for Marketing resource management?
               IBM Marketing Resource Management can help you ensure that marketing investments are allocated in the optimal way to maximize returns. Marketing Resource Management is a complete set of capabilities for managing the growing operational complexities marketers face. Available through an enterprise software or on-demand deployment model.
Unica provides everything marketers need to better manage their marketing operations:
  • Manage and coordinate all marketing activities in one place by using a central collaboration platform for sharing information, and tracking project status and performance.
  • Improve decision making and minimize risk through greater visibility and tracking money being spent.
  • Achieve faster, lower cost execution of all marketing activities.

    Strategically assess, manage, and plan marketing programs and spend for maximized ROI

Featured products:

IBM Marketing Operations:

          IBM Unica Marketing Operations – marketers increase their efficiency by gaining better control over their budgets and processes. IBM Marketing Operations helps marketers align resources to objectives, streamline production processes, track budgets and expenses, and improve team collaboration.
IBM Marketing Operations offers features that:
  • Bring the work of those who plan campaigns and those who execute them together into a single, collaborative environment.
  • Manage all aspects of marketing expenses from cost center definition to purchase order generation to invoice processing.

IBM Marketing Operations On Demand :

          IBM Unica Marketing Operations On Demand – marketing teams can get more work done while also improving the visibility and accountability of all their creative projects and marketing programs.
IBM Marketing Operations On Demand offers a rich set of capabilities that let you:
  • Generate template-driven project plans in one click. Scheduling is made easy with a user-friendly tool, and automated notifications keep projects on track.
  • Generate detailed reports such as the number of projects handled every month, quarter or year, what each team member is currently working on, what was recently completed, or what is coming in the future.

Why IBM Smarter Commerce Focuses on the Digital Customer


                            IBM is trying to make it easier for the marketing department and IT to play better together to help organizations reach their customers and constituents through more direct interaction, among other things. At its IBM Smarter Commerce Global Summit­ in Orlando, Fla., Big Blue announced new software and services designed to help chief marketing officers (CMOs), chief procurement officers and other key line-of-business executives realize quicker business results by delivering intelligence-guided customer experiences across all digital channels, aligned to the buying and shopping preferences of each individual.

            IBM announced the expansion of its Smarter Commerce initiative with new cloud-based software and services that enable businesses to immediately put the customer at the center of their operations in order to drive revenue and ensure sustainable brand loyalty. The new initiatives include the IBM Marketing Center, an IBM Smart Cloud Solution that integrates digital analytics with real-time marketing execution capabilities into a single solution that allows CMOs to better meet customer needs by quickly analyzing customer shopping patterns and turning these insights into intelligent offers that are personalized to each person. IBM also announced a new Smarter Commerce Managed Services offering that helps clients more rapidly and effectively deploy and manage their e-commerce environments, as well as a new offering for Strategic Supply Management, available on-premises and as a Smart Cloud solution, which speeds and improves supplier governance, risk and compliance.

Monday 26 November 2012

Solutions for Reducing Call Handle Time

A key metric for many call centers is average call handle time. It's clear why companies monitor this metric closely—the longer the call, the greater the expense to the organization and the greater the burden on the customer. For many organizations, the calls from website customers who were unable to complete their transactions online can be the longest and most expensive. Because call center agents have no visibility into what the customer did online, valuable time is wasted trying to diagnose where things went wrong before the transaction can be completed.
By providing the agent with complete visibility into customer web sessions, Tealeaf makes short work of diagnosing where things went wrong online, accelerating problem resolution significantly. Agents can also shadow-browse with customers to coach them to successful completion of the business process.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets

Customer value proposition” has become one of the most widely used terms in business markets in recent years. Yet our management-practice research reveals that there is no agreement as to what constitutes a customer value proposition or what makes one persuasive. Moreover, we find that most value propositions make claims of savings and benefits to the customer without backing them up.

Some managers view the customer value proposition as a form of spin their marketing departments develop for advertising and promotional copy. This shortsighted view neglects the very real contribution of value propositions to superior business performance. Properly constructed, they force companies to rigorously focus on what their offerings are really worth to their customers. 
We conducted management-practice research over the past two years in Europe and the United States to understand what constitutes a customer value proposition and what makes one persuasive to customers. One striking discovery is that it is exceptionally difficult to find examples of value propositions that resonate with customers. Here, drawing on the best practices of a handful of suppliers in business markets, we present a systematic approach for developing value propositions that are meaningful to target customers and that focus suppliers’ efforts on creating superior value.

Three Kinds of Value Propositions
We have classified the ways that suppliers use the term “value proposition” into three types: all benefits, favorable points of difference, and resonating focus.
Which Alternative Conveys Value to Customers?
Suppliers use the term “value proposition” three different ways. Most managers simply list all the benefits they believe that their offering might deliver to target customers. The more they can think of, the better. Some managers do recognize that the customer has an alternative, but they often make the mistake of assuming that favorable points of difference must be valuable for the customer.
Best-practice suppliers base their value proposition on the few elements that matter most to target customers, demonstrate the value of this superior performance, and communicate it in a way that conveys a sophisticated understanding of the customer’s business priorities.

Benefits :
Our research indicates that most managers, when asked to construct a customer value proposition, simply list all the benefits they believe that their offering might deliver to target customers. The more they can think of, the better. This approach requires the least knowledge about customers and competitors and, thus, the least amount of work to construct.
However, its relative simplicity has a major potential drawback: benefit assertion. Managers may claim advantages for features that actually provide no benefit to target customers.
Such was the case with a company that sold high-performance gas chromatographs to R&D laboratories in large companies, universities, and government agencies in the Benelux countries.
One feature of a particular chromatograph allowed R&D lab customers to maintain a high degree of sample integrity. Seeking growth, the company began to market the most basic model of this chromatograph to a new segment: commercial laboratories. In initial meetings with prospective customers, the firm’s salespeople touted the benefits of maintaining sample integrity.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Investments in Social Technologies Climb, While Middle Management Struggles with Uptick

                  Hai Every body,as per the IBM study over the big business companies Investment in social technologies, it causes the middle sized companies and their management facing the troubles.The IBM finds that while companies are increasing their social technology investments, middle management leaders are struggling to embrace these capabilities as part of their day-to-day work.IBM’s survey of 1,160 business and IT professionals shows that while 46 percent of the organizations increased their investments in social technologies in 2012, only 22 percent believed that managers are prepared to incorporate social tools and approaches into their daily practices.

             Despite intentions to rapidly accelerate social initiatives, many companies are still figuring out whether real returns can be gained on social investments. Two-thirds of respondents were not sure they sufficiently understood the impact that social technologies would have on their organizations over the next three years.

           According to a new IBM report (www.ibm.com/socbizstudy) entitled, “The Business of Social Business: What Works and How It’s Done,” companies at the forefront of this trend are doing more than developing a presence on major social platforms. A social business embeds social technologies into core business processes, and then applies the technologies to drive customer-facing activities such as lead generation, sales and post-sales service.

       “Businesses are struggling to make sense of the vast amount of data generated from social networks, said Kevin Custis, Vice President and Global Leader Social Business and Mobility Services, IBM Global Business Services. “To transform a vision into a reality, executive leadership must guide middle management on the value of being a social business, and build company-wide support for the use of social practices across organizational functions.”

                     As demonstrated in the study, the key to accelerating widespread adoption lies in an organization’s ability to build social business expertise among employees, while encouraging behavioral changes that may influence a wider cultural shift. However, only one-quarter of companies believe they are fully prepared to address the cultural changes that are associated with this transformation.

                    The IBM report suggests that for organizations to evolve into social enterprises, some basic groundwork must be laid. At the most basic level, management must provide an infrastructure for engagement -- setting up forums, team rooms and collaborative spaces. Once in place, social practices should be integrated into day-to-day work activities. For example, the use blog posts and activity streams can positively accentuate project management tasks.The organization must also create the capability to understand where and how data generation could benefit the enterprise. Finally, management must teach employees how to collaborate effectively with individuals outside of the organization’s boundaries, using social business methods and tools.

                      With the effective use of social technologies, organizations can integrate and analyze massive amounts of data generated from people, devices and sensors and more easily align these insights to business processes to make faster, more accurate business decisions. By gaining deeper insights in customer and market trends and employees' sentiment, businesses can uncover critical patterns to not only react swiftly to market shifts, but predict the effect of future actions. According to Forrester Research, the market opportunity for social enterprise apps is expected to grow at a rate of 61 percent through 2016*.

Monday 19 November 2012

Search Engine Optimization - Return on Investment

Figuring out how to spark the Return on Investment of your online business can be a daunting task, considering the vast amounts of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) solutions there are available on the market. The bottom line is this: you want your site placed as high as possible in search engine results for the greatest traffic gains. But it can be confusing and frustrating for web property owners to figure out the best approach needed to increase web presence and visibility, without throwing countless dollars at a marketing plan that doesnt guarantee results.

The most effective ROI strategies for your online property begin by following a strong Search Engine Optimization plan and a few simple guidelines that include: organic optimization, adding relevant links, measuring web traffic, and outsourcing SEO.

Defining paid, earned and owned media

With the rise in importance of social media and online PR, we’re seeing more companies change their method of budgeting, reporting and investing in media to reflect the types of sites where audiences spend their time online. The trend is towards a review of investments in the 3 main media buckets of earned, shared and paid which each give opportunities to influence customers. None of these media types are new, but what is new is the increasing prominence given to owned and earned media while paid media has always dominated in the past.
1. Paid media. Simple. Paid or bought media are media where there is investment to pay for visitors, reach or conversions through search, display ad networks or affiliate marketing. Offline traditional media like print and TV advertising and direct mail remain important accounting for the majority of paid media spend.
2. Earned media. Traditionally, earned media has been the name given to publicity generated through PR invested in targeting influencers to increase awareness about a brand. Of course, it’s still an investment. Earned media also includes word-of-mouth that can be stimulated through viral and social media marketing and includes conversations in social networks, blogs and other communities. It’s useful to think of earned media as developed through different types of partners such as publishers, bloggers and other influencers including customer advocates. Think of earned media as different forms of conversations occurring both online and offline.
3. Owned media. This is media owned by the brand. Online this includes a company’s own websites, blogs, mobile apps or their social presence on Facebook, Linked In or Twitter. Offline owned media may include brochures or retails stores.
It’s useful to think of a company’s own presence as media in the sense that they are an alternative investment to other media and they offer opportunities to promote products using similar ad or editorial formats to other media. It emphasises the need for all organisations to become multi-channel publishers.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

IBM Cross-channel campaign management

 Why IBM for Cross-channel campaign management?

        IBM’s Cross-channel campaign management capabilities can help you target thousands or millions of individuals with “the right message at the right time through the right channel.
It mainly Tracks and honor individual customer preferences, and quickly and cost-effectively design, execute, and measure customer-driven communication strategies across all of your channels, online and offline.
  • It Builds an effective, ongoing dialogue with your customer or prospect through a complete interaction history, such as offers presented, context and campaign details, and response or non-response.
  • Manage the entirety of your campaign’s logic, including audience segmentation, exclusions and assignment of offers and channels.

Products of Cross-channel campaign management:

 IBM Campaign : Deliver personalized, relevant marketing messages across all channels with sophisticated campaign management.
  • Build an effective, ongoing dialogue with your customer or prospect through a complete history, such as offers presented, context and campaign details, and response or non-response.
  • Manage the entirety of your campaign’s logic, including audience segmentation, exclusions, and assignment of offers and channels.

IBM Contact Optimization :Determine the optimal contact strategy over time for your customers. 

  • IBM Unica Optimize can ensure your customers receive the most relevant and profitable offers while satisfying the needs of individual business areas and minimizing customer contact fatigue.

  • Define recorded preferences for each customer, such as preferred channel to receive communications, maximum number of contacts each customer wishes to receive each month, and primary product or service interests.

IBM e Message : Engage customers and prospects with timely,personalized outbound digital messages.

  • With IBM e Message, marketers can extend IBM Campaign capabilities to email and other outbound digital campaigns with the ability to create, preview, test, execute, and track messages.

  • IBM e Message delivers more effective stand-alone campaigns, as well as integrating these communication channels into cross-channel marketing strategies.

IBM Interact : Determine the right message to present in inbound marketing channels
  •  With IBM Interact, marketers can personalize in real time the experience of customers interacting with websites, call centers, and other inbound marketing channels.

  • The use of IBM Interact in combination with IBM Product Recommendations allows personalized offers to be delivered with product recommendations, increasing the relevance of appeal of personalized messages delivered in real time.

IBM Opportunity Detection :

  •       Mainly involves in Event-based marketing to improve cross-sell and retention.
  •        With IBM opportunity Detection, formerly Unica Detect, marketers can build effective, event-based marketing programs quickly and with minimal effort, boosting cross-sell and retention rates and improving on- boarding programs.

Thursday 8 November 2012

How Unica eMessage adds value to your business

Engage customers and prospects with timely, personalized outbound digital messages
With IBM Unica eMessage, marketers can extend Unica Campaign capabilities to email and other outbound digital campaigns with the ability to create, preview, test, execute, and track messages. Unica eMessage delivers more effective stand-alone campaigns, as well as integrating these communication channels into cross-channel marketing strategies.
Unica eMessage supports the entire marketing life cycle, from idea through to post campaign analysis.
  • Leverage the full range of your on premise customer data through a hybridized on-demand deployment and messaging delivery engine.
  • Ensure messages are getting to your intended recipients and customers with a full range of in-box delivery and content optimization reports.
  • Achieve robust content creation and management with a drag-and drop assembly of templates, digital assets, personalization logic, and landing pages.
  • Create an interactive marketing dialogue with customers through email and mobile messaging woven together with other outbound and inbound channels, both on-line and off-line.
Segment, target and personalize
  • Drive revenue by targeting the right customers for the right offer
  • Track your performance to unique populations based on fine segmentation criteria
  • Track customer behavior “after the click,” learn how email drives revenue across your website — and re-target customers with precision.
  • Visualize and measure the impact of email campaigns on web traffic to refine your cross-channel initiatives.
  • Seamlessly follow consumers from click to browse to determine your email’s reach and influence on website traffic.
  • Refine your targeting with up to date performance data and make smarter choices on the next iteration
Efficient message delivery
  • Achieve efficiency with an integrated, hybridized campaign creation and a digital message delivery solution.
  • Drive deep insight into post-click-analysis through customer behavior by examining all of your outbound campaigns and channels.
  • Send fully targeted and personalized messages through an On-Demand delivery engine while protecting your customer data on site in your guarded environment.
Robust content creation
  • Assemble new message content with the drag-and-drop message editor and preview how emails will look in a wide variety of email client types.
  • Design and execute more effective strategies and interact more effectively with customers and prospects.
Interactive marketing dialogue
  • Implement a series of targeted follow-up emails based on interest expressed on your website.
  • Enable an interactive, cross-channel dialogue with customers through synchronization with other outbound and inbound channels.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Smarter Commerce SaaS Referral Incentive for Business Partners

               IBM is aligning its fast-growing Smarter Commerce SaaS Referral Incentive for Business Partners with a new channel offering designed to drive increased Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) sales and arm Business Partners with the ability to provide customers with quick access to IBM business solutions in the cloud.

Business Partners are looking to expand their capabilities to more effectively fulfill client demands brought on by new online buying patterns that are driven by social networking and mobile computing trends.
The Smarter Commerce SaaS Referral Incentive for Business Partners is a "fast start" offering that encourages accelerated cloud adoption by enabling Business Partners, including cloud services solution providers, to deliver Smarter Commerce solutions.

These benefits and incentives are available only after you qualify for the Smarter Commerce SaaS Referral Incentive for Business Partners.
    IBM Coremetrics for optimizing web interaction and sales.

    IBM Unica OnDemand for driving incremental business through focused and targeted marketing.

    IBM DemandTec is a network of software services connecting retailers and consumer products companies enabling them to define category, brand and shopper marketing strategies.

    IBM Sterling Commerce for maximizing supply chain and efficiency.

    IBM Commerce on Cloud enables companies of all sizes to quickly maximize their on-line revenue potential and deliver the same capabilities that best-in-class cross-channel retailers provide to their customers.

    IBM Emptoris enables companies to maximize financial performance and optimize procurement.

    IBM Smarter Cities manages growth and development in a sustainable way that minimizes disruptions and helps increase prosperity for everyone.

    IBM WebSphere Cast Iron enables companies to rapidly connect their hybrid world of public clouds, private clouds and on-premise applications.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

IBM Smarter Commerce Customer Experence

              Hello Every Body I would like to give a small introduction about the Smarter Commerce and  its Usages, I thought that With out a Smarter Commerce there is no smarter planet,and IBM is very much attached to its smarter planter strategy. While it has done a lot of work over recent months with analytics and business intelligence to create smart cities and Business,So the  release of Smarter Commerce are well worth a look.

            IBM(Big Blue )made the announcements at its Smarter Global Summit, which was held  on 06 sep 2012 in Orlando.

Customer Experience, Business Intelligence

        Generally What i thought is IBM Smarter Commerce is specifically for Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Procurement Officers and other top business people that are tasked with producing better and quicker results through better customer experiences across all digital channels.

               Just like Smarter Cities, at the heart of IBM-inspired customer experiences are business-intelligence-based software solutions that tap into the buying, spending and shopping preferences of each individual.All the new solutions in question are cloud-based, which means that companies that decide they need this kind of approach to customer experience can be up and running in a really short period of time.

     IBM expands its Smarter Commerce initiative with new cloud-based software and services that include:

IBM Marketing Center

       This is a Smart Cloud solution that combines real-time marketing execution capabilities with analytics in a single solution enabling companies to analyze shopping patterns and develop offers based on business intelligence taken from the client.

    According to IBM, once live, enterprise can turn data provided by customers into personalized offers via email or website personalization , all with a few clicks.

Smarter Commerce Managed Services

      These services are being provided by its Global Process Services group, which adds to IBM's software and global business services offerings. Services include full business process and IT managed services that enable businesses to manage all their cross-channel commerce processes.

            But Smarter Commerce is not just about software. IBM will also provide human-to-human interaction through these services. IBM says this will simplify the process of interconnecting multiple commerce channels.
Strategic Supply Management

          In This Case I would like to speak about the IBM's new Emptoris Strategic Supply Management,Which is available as an on-premises or a cloud solution that speeds-up and improves governance, compliance and risk management for product suppliers. With it enterprises are offered a complete view of spending, contracts, service providers and supplier intelligence and processes.

              This too comes with enhanced governance, risk and compliance (GRC) features as well as improved analytics for contract, compliance and improved program accountability.

                Finally, IBM has also announced a new asset repository that accelerates the adoption of solutions for Smarter Commerce. IBM Smarter Commerce captures implementation best practices, assets and knowledge that can then be distributed across the enterprise to ensure that any improvements in one part of the enterprise are shared across the board and I suggested that IBM Smarter Commerce is the Best tool for Improving the business Strategies.

Monday 5 November 2012

Social media driving E-Commerce business

Social networking sites are undoubtedly the most popular websites nowadays and are growing extremely rapidly. With this growth comes new, exciting opportunities for marketing and promotions of your online business (commonly referred to as social media marketing).
For those not familiar with social networking, some of the top sites are Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Now is it ringing a bell? There are so many ways that you can get creative in order to take advantage of social networking as a marketing strategy. You can use these services to connect on a personal level with your clients and customers in order to help you figure out your promotional campaigns.
Regardless of what kind of business you operate and what products or services you sell, there is most likely a way you can use social networking sites to promote your business.
With the advent of new websites and services comes new marketing and business strategies and brand new ways of looking at things entirely.
Sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter create online communities of users that come together in order to discuss, comment on, share stories/articles/videos/pictures/etc. Sites like Facebook have become ways for people to not only connect to their friends, family and colleagues but ways for businesses to create pages in which users can “Like” your business. They can write on your wall, comment on your pictures and start discussions regarding your products. You can gain insights into the psyches and personal lives of your customers in ways you never could before.
Groups are common to mostly all social networking sites. If you join groups that are related to your business then you can easily reach your target demographic.

Thursday 1 November 2012

IBM Coremetrics Intelligent Offer

IBM Coremetrics is the leader in marketing optimization. Its products help businesses relentlessly optimize their marketing programs to make the best offer, every time, anywhere, automatically. More than 2,100 online brands globally use IBM Coremetrics Software as a Service (SaaS) to optimize their on-line marketing. IBM Coremetrics integrated marketing optimization solutions include real-time personalized recommendations, email targeting, display ad targeting across leading ad networks, and search engine bid management. The company's solutions are delivered on the only on-line analytics platform that is designed to anticipate the needs of every customer, to automate marketing decisions in real time, and to syndicate information across all customer channels.

Increase revenue by making product recommendations that are behavior-based, relevant,
and timely.

Highly relevant product recommendations lead to increased revenue. Providing relevant product recommendations not only offers a valued service, but also enables the discovery of products which visitors might not know were offered.

With IBM Coremetrics Intelligent Offer, it is easy to optimize your marketing efforts and engage your customers with recommendations across multiple channels that are behavior-based, relevant, and timely. Because Coremetrics Intelligent Offer recommendations are driven by your customers’ current interests, recommendations are received more positively and can lift revenues by as much as 20 percent. Coremetrics Intelligent Offer also makes it easy to demonstrate results by including impact reports that quantify the increase in revenue, conversion rate, and average order value that is directly attributable to the recommendations. Coremetrics Intelligent Offer also makes it easy to demonstrate results by including impact reports that quantify the increase in revenue, conversion rate, and average order value that is directly attributable to the recommendations.

Smarter product recommendations:
The recommendation algorithms and personalization components of Coremetrics Intelligent Offer are 100 percent automated and continually learned from new crowd and individual data to optimize returns. In addition, Coremetrics Intelligent Offer provides users with the visibil- ity, flexibility and control to quickly optimize product recommendations to maximize business results.

Personalized for each customer :
As a component of the Coremetrics Digital Marketing Optimization Suite, Coremetrics Intelligent Offer automatically optimizes product recommendations based on the customer’s current shopping interests, search queries, wisdom of the crowd, business rules, and a complete history of the visitor’s behavior including historical data captured in their Coremetrics Lifetime Individual Visitor Experience (LIVE) Profile. This unique combination enables Coremetrics Intelligent Offer to
present each customer with the most relevant, effective and timely recommendation possible for wherever they are in the buying process.

Delivered through multiple channels :
As the lines between online and offline are blurring, people are increasingly interacting with a brand across a myriad of channels. Coremetrics Intelligent Offer enables you to provide a personalized and consistent shopping support for your customers through the different channels they use to interact with your brand by including relevant recommendations on web site product and category pages, search results pages, and shopping cart pages—as well as beyond the web site in emails, display ads, mobile applications, social media sites, call centers, and in-store shopping aids. Coremetrics Intelligent Offer also enables users to create and deploy best practice recommendations across these multiple delivery points.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

IBM Enterprise Marketing and its Benefits


EMM is enterprise software designed to streamline all aspects of online and offline marketing. This technology empowers organizations and individuals to turn their passion for marketing into valuable customer relationships and more profitable, timely, and measurable business outcomes.

Why Enterprise Marketing Management

Enterprise Marketing Management defines a category of software used by marketing operations to manage their end-to-end internal processes.The goal of using EMM is to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing by increasing operational efficiency, decreasing costs and waste, and standardizing marketing processes for an accurate and predictable time to market.
Some of the best names in the business, Best Buy, IXG, ING, Boots, Day Camp, Or vis and Orange. 
Engage buyers in highly relevant, interactive dialogues across digital, social and traditional marketing channels. ”

Benefits :

  • Using an EMM suite rather than a variety of point solutions is improved collaboration, efficiency and visibility across the entire marketing function.
  • EMM Reduce the total cost of Ownership.
  • EMM can transform all aspects of marketing to engage customers in highly relevant, interactive dialogues across digital, social, mobile and traditional marketing channels.
  • Optimize your digital marketing efforts and turn site, social and mobile visitors into repeat customers and loyal advocates.
  • Discover and react in real time to how consumers are interacting with your brand.
  • Improve decision making and optimize marketing performance and productivity.

Capabilities :

  • Cross-channel campaign management
  • Marketing resource management
  • Digital Marketing Optimization
  • Web Analytics

Coremetrics is now part of IBM Enterprise Marketing Management

Web Analytics 
Why IBM for Web Analytics?
  • Web analytics from IBM is a part of the IBM Core-metrics Digital Marketing Optimization Suite - sets itself apart by providing marketers with—not just data—but insights for increasing ROI. It provides two delivery models—on-premise and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

  • Through either analytics solution, marketers gain visibility into their visitors’ digital behaviors over time enabling them to go from insight to personalized marketing action.

  • Web analytics that provide businesses with real time insight into how consumers are interacting with their brands on-line.

  • Core-metrics Analytics 2010 is the premier platform for marketers who need the most accurate and comprehensive metrics and performance insight to make the right decision and take the right action—every time—to optimize your marketing spend across all of today’s relevant marketing channels.
  • Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring web traffic but can be used as a tool for business and market research, and to assess and improve the effectiveness of a web site.

Featured products :
  • IBM Digital Analytics
  • IBM Digital Analytics Impression Attribution
  • IBM Digital Analytics Life-cycle
  • Unica Net-insight

Monday 29 October 2012

Emergence of E-Commerce

One of the most popular activities on the Web is shopping. It has much allure in it — you can shop at your leisure, anytime, and in your pajamas. Literally anyone can have their pages built to display their specific goods and services.
History of ecommerce dates back to the invention of the very old notion of "sell and buy", electricity, cables, computers, modems, and the Internet. Ecommerce became possible in 1991 when the Internet was opened to commercial use. Since that date thousands of businesses have taken up residence at web sites.
Amazon.com, Inc. is one of the most famous ecommerce companies and is located in Seattle, Washington (USA). It was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and was one of the first American ecommerce companies to sell products over the Internet. After the dot-com collapse Amazon lost its position as a successful business model, however, in 2003 the company made its first annual profit which was the first step to the further development.But the first website with full real-time credit card clearing was designed by Synergy Communication/Synergy Media for ConAgra’s Eagle Mills http://www.eaglemills.com/ in 1996.
Amazon is one of the first ecommerce businesses to establish an affiliate marketing program, and nowadays the company gets about 40% of its sales from affiliates and third party sellers who list and sell goods on the web site. In 2008 Amazon penetrated into the cinema and is currently sponsoring the film "The Stolen Child" with 20th Century Fox.
One more company which has contributed much to the process of ecommerce development is Dell Inc., an American company located in Texas, which stands third in computer sales within the industry behind Hewlett-Packard and Acer.
Launched in 1994 as a static page, Dell.com has made rapid strides, and by the end of 1997 was the first company to record a million dollars in online sales.
In 1999 K Vaitheeswaran founded Fabmart.com (now IndiaPlaza), India's first e-commerce site. Back then only a small fraction of the 3m internet users transacted online.
History of ecommerce is a history of a new, virtual world which is evolving according to the customer advantage. It is a world which we are all building together brick by brick, laying a secure foundation for the future generations.

Thursday 25 October 2012

IBM Coremetrics LIVEmail

IBM Coremetrics is the leader in marketing optimization. Its products help
businesses relentlessly optimize their marketing programs to make the best offer,
every time, anywhere, automatically. More than 2,100 online brands globally use
IBM Coremetrics Software as a Service (SaaS) to optimize their on-line marketing.IBM Coremetrics integrated marketing optimization solutions include real-time personalized recommendations, email targeting, display ad targeting across leading ad networks, and search engine bid management. The company's solutions are delivered on the only on-line analytics platform that is designed to anticipate the needs of every customer, to automate marketing decisions in real time, and to syndicate information across all customer channels.

IBM Coremetrics LIVEmail is a precision email marketing application that
facilitates the creation and execution of targeted email campaigns to improve open,click-through, and conversion rates as well as overall customer engagement and satisfaction levels for your email channel. LIVEmail will help you deliver relevant messaging and offers, based on detailed web analytics behavioral data to provide exactly the right email communication and offer at the right time for your web site visitors and customers. Furthermore, LIVEmail integrates with IBM Coremetrics Connect certified email service providers to improve email campaign distribution and efficiency. The latest version of LIVEmail delivers email best practice programs (targeting site browsers, abandoners, converters, or dormant visitors), advanced segmentation and filtering, configurable email trigger schedules, native reporting to track campaign performance, and data import from third parties all within one

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Customer centric marketing with IBM UNICA


                   Most businesses today are challenged by the rise of the “empowered customer.”  Today’s customers are well-informed, use other people as their primary information source, interact with the companies through multiple channels, touch-points and media, and expects a superior customer experience.  To serve these empowered customers, businesses must – now more than ever put customers at the center of everything they do and use Customer Centric Marketing.

         Customer-centric marketing is a marketing designed around each individual customer. It relies heavily on highly granular, personal targeting and customer segmentation.

           IBM® conducted face-to-face interviews with 1,734 Chief Marketing Officers, spanning 19 industries and 64 countries to understand their challenges.Cross-Channel management and Inbound marketing can help address few of the CMO's challenges.

          IBM®’s Cross-channel campaign management capabilities can help you target thousands — or millions — of individuals with the right message at the right time through the right channel. Track and honor individual customer preferences, and quickly and cost-effectively design, execute, and measure customer-driven communication strategies across all of your channels, on line and off line.

         IBM®'s Inbound Marketing can help you take better advantage of moments when your customers and prospects have chosen to interact with your company, such as by visiting your website or Facebook fan page, walking into your store or branch, or phoning your call center. During these “inbound”contacts,it  can be  determine, in real time, the most relevant messages and content to deliver to an individual given who they are, their responses to previous interactions, and the context of the current interaction.Join us to understand how cross-Channel management and Inbound marketing can help for customer centric marketing.

Monday 22 October 2012

Smarter SEO for Smarter Commerce

Search engines, such as Google, are one of the most important channels for customers to reach your store. Using search engine optimization (SEO) to improve page ranking can result in increased traffic and revenue. We can understand its importance deeply and this is our attempt at understand the OOB capabilities of WCS 7 with regards to SEO and how it can be used for a Smarter Commerce.
The SEO functionality for WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature pack 3 or later improves online search page ranking for your store by creating short, clean SEO-friendly URLs with meaningful keywords. This version includes enhanced Management Center tools that business users can use to influence page ranking by changing the URL and metadata information, an improved Sitemap generator that indexes all the SEO-friendly URLs, and 301 URL redirect rules.
Search engine optimization for WebSphere Commerce provides the following functionality:
  • Creating simple, static URLs for store pages that shoppers and search robots can easily understand
  • Optimizing page meta data to improve search engine page rank
  • Creating 301 URL redirection when a web page has moved
  • Generating Sitemaps to submit to search engine provider

Thursday 18 October 2012

Integrating a store with IBM Coremetrics for WebSphere Commerce

WebSphere Commerce provides a framework and tools to simplify the process of setting up your site to use IBM Coremetrics, the industry leading hosted Web analytics solution.The framework is implemented as a tag library designed to act as an intermediary layer between WebSphere Commerce and Coremetrics.The tools include an auto tagging utility to place analytics tags in your store pages, and a utility to generate a file containing your catalog hierarchy for Coremetrics. This solution can significantly reduce the time required to deploy web analytics.

To take advantage of Coremetrics for IBM WebSphere Commerce, you must establish a contract with Coremetrics to collect your data, and to generate and host analytics reports. After you integrate your store with Coremetrics and begin gathering analytical data about customer interactions, you can:
  • View analytics reports designed specifically for WebSphere Commerce.
  • Create and export customer segments built from analytical data gathered for Coremetrics, and use them in WebSphere Commerce campaigns.
  • Feature Pack 2 Display personalized product recommendations on store pages using Coremetrics Intelligent Offer.
After you have enabled and configured IBM Coremetrics for IBM WebSphere Commerce, statistics about customer interactions with your site are transferred to the Coremetrics server. This includes information such as page views, ads displayed, and clickthroughs. The data is gathered by the Coremetrics server and used to generate reports and customer segments
WebSphere Commerce starter stores and Coremetrics:
Several starter stores are already pretagged with the full set of WebSphere Commerce analytics tags so that you do not have to add the tags yourself. These starter stores are:
  • Madisons
  • Elite
  • Feature Pack 5 Aurora
After publishing a pretagged starter store, you must enable the tags using the Analytics tab in the Store Management tool in Management Center. By default, the tags are not enabled.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Emptoris - How it adds value to IBM EMM

IBM acquired Emptoris, is a leading provider of cloud and on-premise analytics software for procurement and supply chain operations with spend, supplier and contract management that enable companies to maximize financial performance and optimize commercial risk.

By providing a single, accurate and robust source of spend, contract, telecom and supplier data and intelligence, Emptoris solutions enable individuals and organizations to make optimal business decisions—and deliver greater performance and value across the global enterprise. 

Emptoris offers solutions for spend analysis, sourcing, supplier life-cycle management, contract management, services procurement and telecom expense management.

Acquisition of Emptoris by IBM is a step forward to have monopoly over the marketing automation. With Emptoris IBM EMM have become much more stronger when compared to its competitors, as there are very few providers in the market space offering e-procurement solutions.

Monday 15 October 2012

Coremetrics was now part of IBM EMM

                  Core-metrics is a provider of digital marketing optimization solutions and web analytics. Its solutions are designed to generate high return on on-line marketing investments.Core-metrics provides Continuous optimization platform.It is the Best in class customer service.

Core-metrics offers hundreds of features and tools that allow you to drastically improve the quality of data gathered from your website.

Core-metrics comes with two solution like Web analytics and Digital Marketing Optimization these two are used for various purposes to Optimize and analyze your business .Core-metrics have the rich set of products for providing the better solution over their business,Improve the organization growth.I will Give the brief description about the Web analytics and DMO(Digital Marketing Optimization)

  Today, Core-metrics delivers web analytics capabilities to more than 2,100 global brands across a wide range of industries including retail, financial services, media and publishing, travel and hospitality and education. Customers include Holiday Inn, PETCO, 1-800 Flowers, Office Depot, Victoria's Secret, Virgin Atlantic Airways and Seton Hall University.

" Core-metrics  was acquiesced by  IBM Enterprise Marketing Management in 2010 "

Web-analytics :
Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. It is often done without the permission of the user It is available through two delivery models like on-premise and software as a service (SaaS)
web analytics from IBM provides the insight marketers need into how individuals are interacting with a brand’s digital presence.

Digital Marketing Optimization :

As my thought Digital Marketing Optimization mainly Empowers marketers to turn site visitors into repeat customers and loyal advocates by orchestrating a compelling experience through each customer's life cycle and also we can promote their products through various social media like Twitter,Face-book,Link-den,Orkut etc...

The Following picture Describe the work flow of the Core-metrics :