Thursday 8 November 2012

How Unica eMessage adds value to your business

Engage customers and prospects with timely, personalized outbound digital messages
With IBM Unica eMessage, marketers can extend Unica Campaign capabilities to email and other outbound digital campaigns with the ability to create, preview, test, execute, and track messages. Unica eMessage delivers more effective stand-alone campaigns, as well as integrating these communication channels into cross-channel marketing strategies.
Unica eMessage supports the entire marketing life cycle, from idea through to post campaign analysis.
  • Leverage the full range of your on premise customer data through a hybridized on-demand deployment and messaging delivery engine.
  • Ensure messages are getting to your intended recipients and customers with a full range of in-box delivery and content optimization reports.
  • Achieve robust content creation and management with a drag-and drop assembly of templates, digital assets, personalization logic, and landing pages.
  • Create an interactive marketing dialogue with customers through email and mobile messaging woven together with other outbound and inbound channels, both on-line and off-line.
Segment, target and personalize
  • Drive revenue by targeting the right customers for the right offer
  • Track your performance to unique populations based on fine segmentation criteria
  • Track customer behavior “after the click,” learn how email drives revenue across your website — and re-target customers with precision.
  • Visualize and measure the impact of email campaigns on web traffic to refine your cross-channel initiatives.
  • Seamlessly follow consumers from click to browse to determine your email’s reach and influence on website traffic.
  • Refine your targeting with up to date performance data and make smarter choices on the next iteration
Efficient message delivery
  • Achieve efficiency with an integrated, hybridized campaign creation and a digital message delivery solution.
  • Drive deep insight into post-click-analysis through customer behavior by examining all of your outbound campaigns and channels.
  • Send fully targeted and personalized messages through an On-Demand delivery engine while protecting your customer data on site in your guarded environment.
Robust content creation
  • Assemble new message content with the drag-and-drop message editor and preview how emails will look in a wide variety of email client types.
  • Design and execute more effective strategies and interact more effectively with customers and prospects.
Interactive marketing dialogue
  • Implement a series of targeted follow-up emails based on interest expressed on your website.
  • Enable an interactive, cross-channel dialogue with customers through synchronization with other outbound and inbound channels.

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