Wednesday 27 March 2013

A Great Tool For Optimization Of Supply Chain Management

A new talk in today's marketing, IBM Sterling Supply Chain Visibility has taken the marketing into a higher level where this tool provides a complete updation on inbound supply and outbound supply. As an overview what actually does this Sterling Supply Chain Visibility do is it tracks down each and every event that happens in marketing right from the supplier to the consumer (lets say customer). This tool tracks each and every record of marketing that happens between the supplier and the customer and also helps you monitor the connectivity to all your supply chain trading partners, and enterprise applications.
Now let us think what is the use of these records that this tool provides us. When we are able to view the marketing of  products right from the supplier to the customer we get to know about the products which  are in demand by looking into the sales of how many products have been marketed. Thus this could improve product availability metrics. This tool also helps in Tracking suppliers and carrier performance across the purchase and sales. One could also look into performance metrics with supplier, carrier and customer performance reporting . The best part is one could get the immediate details of the supplies, supply failure reports, sales reports and performance of the marketing.
Looking more into IBM Sterling Supply Chain Visibility , it provides solutions to the supply chain challenges that marketing faces today.
IBM Sterling Supply Chain Visibility has following features:
Dashboards: If you are familiar with coremetrics then you could understand what dashboards are clearly. Dashboards help us to monitor or view alerts, invoices, shipments, KPI charts, and orders.
Visibility: The name itself create a kind of idea what it actually is. Visibility gives a set of views to look up the status of an order, shipment, invoice, and payment.
Performance Indicators(KPI's): Helps in generating analysis reports of various performances.
Inbound Supply Monitoring: When any unplanned events occur in marketing or any issues in marketing between the supplier and customer notification are to be raised so that one could understand what is happening out there. The Inbound Supply Monitoring helps in monitoring these aspects and raise notifications.
Looking into all these aspects, this tool is a good step to lead your marketing in a smarter way.

Monday 25 March 2013

Tealeaf and Why Tealeaf exactly needed

Now a days marketing on-line is the coolest thing but customers facing problems withhold the marketing . We need some kind of tool that helps to find what kind of errors customers are facing and rectify them so that marketing is done smoothly without any struggle.

Tea Leaf helps to provide exactly what customer requires and tracks the session if any problems occur they are recorded and solved easily. Identify issues in real time and solve by priority bases and reported to improve business process as well.

Unprecedented visibility to every visitors unique on-line interaction. Why customers not able to complete their checkout,campaign convert,problems with logging in,customers search but not purchase.

Benefits:- Visibility of customer struggle,technical issues,business impact,Identify and resolve hidden problems. Maintain record of on-line interaction. Increase customer service effectiveness.

Tea leaf and various situations of usage:-

When ever a customer faces a problem the issue can be resolved by using the user id and searching for the session that is being recorded. Which helps to fix the issue. It also helps to find the problems held pages and guides to solve the issue over those pages. Makes to publish famous links over the site that are most visited.
Judges where people are having a hard time completing a task or transaction on your site.

Tea Leaf which brings awareness of on-line customers experience by monitoring
1)customer experience metrics
2)transaction success rate
3)Technical performance KPI's Variety of reporting tools allow us to configure and track any metrics.

Events which are foundation for all reporting data in Tea-leaf. The set of user defined conditions that track almost anything that occur on a website.
When to look for conditions
what conditions constitute a match
when conditions match the events fire
events can also check individual process under retail side.

A snapshot of a session environment at the time the event fired. The technical settings associated with this users session,Capture what all ready occurred in the sessions. Allows to segment event data by dimensions values.

Events record information

Dimensions filter information in the reports.

Friday 8 March 2013


When we are surfing over Internet what ever link,video,flash are any required data that we view will be tracked by the browser and these analytics can be sold to the data analytics companies to use for there marketing purposes. So depending on these analytics and session in which we have done the surfing if our email are opened on the other tabs the email which are opened are also tracked. Depending on these the companies which are getting our analytics can provide us with an offer to purchase goods over Internet which is said as e-business.

If we are using private browsing option over browsers our surfing over Internet cannot be tracked. There will be no cookies are other browser default options enabled to browser to make use of our analytics. But our browsing data can be stored to certain extent over the physical device that is our local system in the from of cache.